Welcome Message from ICIN 2025 Chairs
It is with great pleasure to welcome you to The 28th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2025) which will be held from March 11 to 14, 2025 in Paris, France
Digital transformation is at the heart of our society. This evolution is made possible by the deployment of a network, computing and service infrastructure that is highly sophisticated in terms of its size, the diversity of its components and the range of uses it allows. Such an infrastructure is made of a large set of heterogeneous hardware/software components resulting in a system of systems whose availability, reliability, performance, interoperability and energy efficiency are becoming major challenges. In order to overtake them, there is a need to automate the full cycle of the continuum. A special focus will be set on the conference theme “Towards full life cycle automation in the IoT-edge-cloud continuum”.
Interested authors are invited to submit papers presenting novel technical research, business studies in impact, or mechanisms and new technologies, as well as broader position and visionary papers. Contributions that discuss lessons learnt and best practices, describe practical deployment and implementation experiences as well as demonstrating innovative use-cases are also encouraged.
General Chairs

Elisa Rojas
(Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)

Federica Paganelli
(University of Pisa, Italy)
TPC Chairs

Diala Naboulsi
(ETS Montreal, Canada )

Nathalie Mitton
(INRIA, France)