Title: Network Virtualization: after 10 years of NFV, where do we go?
Abstract: This year marks the 10th anniversary of NFV, which has impacted how network operators manage their functions and services within the network. As a milestone to provide network virtualization, we take the opportunity to identify what are the next steps for network virtualization and network programmability. In particular, the theme of ICIN is “Distributed Intelligence across Network and Edge-to-Cloud Continuum.”
The panel will discuss how virtualization and programmability can expand from the data center to the network edges and deep within the network itself. The panel will also discuss what new services can be supported by these new developments: can the services be disaggregated throughout the network; can the pervasiveness of data sources all over the network be harnessed by distributed services; can AI and ML be integrated into the network?

Bruno Chatras
(Former ETSI NFV Chair)
Bio: Bruno Chatras has over 35 years of experience in the telecommunications industry. Until 2022, he was Senior Standardisation Manager at Orange Innovation and a senior member of the Orange Experts’ Community on Future Networks. He has been involved in the ETSI Industry Specification Group on Network Functions Virtualisation (ETSI NFV ISG) since its inception in 2012 and served as Chair of this ISG from 2020 to 2022. Bruno joined France Telecom / Orange in 1985, where he started his career developing standards for GSM core networks. Since then, he has held several management positions at Orange, where he headed the Intelligent Networks R&D Unit. He was Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee on Network Technologies (NTECH) from 2012 to 2022 and Vice-Chair of the ETSI Technical Committee on Next Generation Networks (TISPAN) from 2007 to 2012. He was also ITU-T Rapporteur on Intelligent Networks from 1993 to 2004. Bruno is the author of several patents and numerous publications and presentations on network architectures and network softwarisation. He also lectures regularly on network technologies at various universities and engineering schools in France.

Kiran Makhijani
(Futurewei, USA)
Bio: Kiran Makhijani is Principal Research Scientist at Network Technologies Lab, Futurewei USA. She is responsible for developing standards for next-generation network technologies and architecture. Her recent work involves network stack evolution for Industrial IoT enabling OT/IT convergence. Other aspects of this work involve decentralization of industrial operations from factory floors to the edge networks.. Kiran has contributed to several standards bodies (ETSI, ITU, IETF). She has developed network platforms and proof of concepts for cloud routing protocol, 5G backhaul optimizations Network Slices, and data plane programmability. Kiran is a co-chair of newly formed IETF working group on Stub Network Auto Configuration (SNAC).

Kurt Tutschku
(Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Bio: Kurt Tutschku is a professor for telecommunication systems at the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH). Prior to BTH, he was holding the Chair of Future Communication at the University of Vienna (endowed by A1 Telekom Austria), worked at the Network Virtualization Lab of the National Institute for Information and Communication Technology (NICT) in Tokyo, Japan, and was head of group on “New Network Architectures, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems and Self-Organization” at the Department of Distributed Systems of the University of Würzburg, Germany. Kurt received this Ph.D. degree and Habilitation degree from University of Würzburg in 1999 and 2008. Kurt’s research interest includes the architecture of future generation networks, network virtualization, and the modelling and performance evaluation of network control. Kurt leads multiple funded academic and industry collaborations. His team contributed to various testbed projects using network virtualization, such as GENI (US).

Stuart Clayman
(University College London, UK)
Bio: Stuart Clayman received his PhD in Computer Science from University College London in 1994. He is currently a Principal Research Fellow at UCL EEE department, and he has worked as a Research Lecturer at Kingston University and at UCL. He co-authored over 75 conference and journal papers. His research interests and expertise lie in the areas of software engineering and programming paradigms; distributed systems; virtualised compute and network systems, network and systems management; sensor systems and smart city platforms, and artificial intelligence systems. He is looking at multi-domain distributed systems, new techniques for large-scale sensor systems, as well as enhanced mechanisms for end-to-end delivery of digital video. He also has extensive experience in the commercial arena undertaking architecture and development for software engineering, distributed systems and networking systems. He has run his own technology start-up in the area of NoSQL databases, sensor data, and digital media.