Welcome Message from ICIN 2024 Chairs
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 27th Conference on “Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks” (ICIN 2024), it is our great pleasure to warmly introduce you to the 2024 event of ICIN, that is taking place in Paris, France, on March 11-14, 2024. We are delighted to welcome you in Paris, a really iconic, vibrant and cosmopolitan city.
Since 1989, ICIN conferences have gathered global Internet and Telecom experts from industry, academia, and government. Renowned for identifying research challenges and industry trends, ICIN fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and idea exchange in cloud networking and Internet communities.
In the recent years, the network and computer arena has recently expanded not only in number and in type of players but also in technologies, domains, terminals and services. This expansion seeks for intelligent and efficient control, orchestration, and management platforms able to support all the challenging requirements such as dynamicity, diversity, efficiency, sovereignty, sustainability, security, reliability and openness in a timely manner and with limited operator interventions. Solutions such as AI-based or digital twin are anticipated to contribute to the solution.
Acoordingly, for the 2024 edition, ICIN will discuss about the emergence and future developments of “Intelligent network service management across the compute continuum”.
In addition to the seven technical and two demo/poster sessions, this year’s program also includes three keynote speeches from Mauro Tortonesi (University of Ferrara, Italy) on “Network and service management across the compute continuum”, Imen Grida Ben Yahia (Amazon Web Services, UK) on “AI Continuum for Smart, Secure and Sustainable Network” and Elias P. Duarte (Federal University of Paraná, Brazil) on “NFV-COIN: Leveraging In-Network Computing with Network Function Virtualization”. Apart from the keynotes, our panel moderated by Pal Varga (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) will engage in interesting discussions between 5 distinguished experts about “Intelligent network service management across the compute continuum”.
We are also offering two workshops on engaging topics, namely NESTOR, a workshop on Intent-driven autonomous networks, and 6GN on Network Use Cases and Verticals. Finally, 4 tutorials complete the program on the following attractive topics: “Setting up a Reinforcement Learning pipeline for a Telco Core Network” by Shantanu Verma and Guillaume Fraysse (Orange Innovation Networks, India/France); “Recent advances in Container Orchestration: Network-Aware Scheduling in Container Clouds” by José Santos (Ghent University, Belgium) and Chen Wang (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA); “Green NFV: framework and enablers for energy savings in telecom network deployments” by Hammad Zafar (NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany) and Joan Triay (DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany); and “Enabling Networking Technologies for High Performance Computing” by Cedric Westphal (Futurewei, USA).
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the organization of the conference. The Organizing Committee did an outstanding job in setting technical sessions, tutorials, keynotes and panels as well as making sure the conference got the world’s attention. We are indebted to the authors who contributed to the engaging ICIN2024 program with their submissions on high-quality research works. Special thanks go to Aziza Lounis for setting up the logistics and keeping us within schedule. We are grateful to Noël Crespi for his trust in our leadership and his full support of the conference in his role as Chair of the steering committee.
Last but not least, we want to acknowledge the support our sponsors: Orange whose support has been invaluable this year in making this conference a successful reality, as well as Nokia and Gandi that are regular partners. We are also thankful for the support of IEEE and IEEE Comsoc that have accompanied us through the years.
We hope you thoroughly enjoy the ICIN2024 event and engage in many fruitful discussions during the conference!
Again welcome to Paris!
General Chairs

Barbara Martini
(Universitas Mercatorum, Italy )

Prosper Chemouil
(CNAM, France)
TPC Chairs

Panagiotis Papadimitriou
(University of Macedonia, Greece)

Carmen Mas Machuca
(Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany)