The entire conference program will be online.
Call for Papers
ICIN 2021 solicits original, unpublished work not currently under review by other conferences or journals. Papers submitted to ICIN 2021 will be assessed based on originality, technical soundness, clarity and interest to a wide audience. All submissions must be written in English and must use standard IEEE two-column conference template, available for download from the IEEE website:
Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done electronically through EDAS using the following link:
Technical papers can be of two types: full papers or short papers, up to 8 pages and 5 pages respectively, including tables, figures and references. Demo papers of length of 3 pages are also solicited.
At least one author is required to register, at the full rate, to present accepted papers at the conference and for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings.
ICIN 2021 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE ComSoc
All accepted & presented papers will be published in IEEE Xplore
The best technical papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version for fast-track review in the following journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Network Service and Management (Impact Factor: 3.878)
- MDPI Sensors (Impact Factor: 3.275)
Particularly innovative and visionary papers will be invited to submit a magazine-style version suitable for a wider audience to:
- IEEE Communications Magazine (Impact Factor: 11.052)
Extended versions of ICIN 2020 papers must include at least 30% of new material (algorithms, results, related work) compared to the conference version. Particularly innovative and visionary papers will be invited to submit a tutorial-style, magazine version for fast-track review in:
Areas of interest and topics include, but are not limited to:
Edge-Cloud continuum and softwarized networks evolution for verticals:
- Vertical industries and digital twins
- Automotive and vehicular networking, including vehicular cloud services
- Tactile Internet and precision networking
- Functional decomposition and orchestration, service chaining
- Protocols for ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability
- Fog, edge and multi-access computing and networking
- Security, trust and privacy
Enablers and services for wireless and mobile networks: real deployments and best practices
- Network and service architecture, protocols, and use cases for 5G and emerging networks
- Service-Based Architecture (SBA) design applied to the control plane, data plane and management plane
- Scalability and multi-tenancy in 5G and emerging networks
- Green networking and efficient resource usage and service delivery
- Security, trust and privacy management in large systems and smart environments
Network automation and orchestration architectures and protocols
- Intent-based network management and cloud resource orchestration
- Network programmability architectures and systems
- Orchestration of distributed cloud and network resources in vertical markets
- Network artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning
- Network data analytics, anomaly detection, and feature extraction
- Autonomic and cognitive networking
- Security, societal and legal aspects of network automation
Technologies for innovation in clouds, Internet and networks
- SDN, NFV, service function chaining, function placement and network embedding
- Use of Distributed Ledger Technologies in networking and network services
- Lightweight virtualization technologies, software and hardware acceleration
- Energy-efficient software-defined infrastructures
- Measurement, monitoring and telemetry
- Open-source projects and open standards